
Defines all available methods that you can use to interactively inspect the final (i.e. postprocessed and quantified) segmentation results (findmycells.inspection.methods)

Note: This submodule does not use the abstract base classes ProcessingObject and ProcessingStrategy. The reason for this is to make specifying the settings and configurations for these inspection methods more interactive for the user - especially when accessed via the GUI. Unfortunately, this sacrifices a bit of overall code consistency. However, since inspection also does not really represent a processing step, this trade-off in favor of usability seemed reasonable. To make make the distinction ever more apparent, the classes that handle the different inspections will be referred to as “methods” instead of “strategies” in the class names.



 InspectionMethod ()

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.



 InspectStackIn3D ()

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.



 InspectSinglePlane ()

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.