Example usage:
Helper functions:
Before starting with the example usage, let´s quickly define two helper functions that we will need:
get_only_matching_xlsx_files (dir_path:pathlib.Path, paradigm_id:str, week_id:Optional[int]=None)
get_metadata_from_filename (filepath_session_results:pathlib.Path, group_assignment_filepath:pathlib.Path)
1) Load all data:
This obviously assumes that you were using the gait_analysis
package to analyze your 2D tracking data created the corresponding result exports. To get some quick insights into your data, feel free to use the following collection of functions.
First, you need to provide the filepath to the exported Excel files as root_dir_path
as a Path object (see exmaple below). You can also specify if you´d like to right away filter only for a certain set of weeks or paradigms (you can also just pass a list with a single value for each). Please note that you have to provide the exact name of the respective Excel Tab you are interested in as: sheet_name
Note: The group_assignment Excel Sheet is still quite customized & should be replaced by a more generalizable configs file (e.g. .yaml) in future versions.
collect_all_available_data (root_dir_path:pathlib.Path, group_assignment_filepath:pathlib.Path, paradigm_ids:List[str], week_ids:List[str], sheet_name:str)
Type | Details | |
root_dir_path | Path | Filepath to the directory that contains the exported results .xlsx files |
group_assignment_filepath | Path | Filepath to the group_assignments.xlsx file |
paradigm_ids | typing.List[str] | List of paradigms of which the results shall be loaded |
week_ids | typing.List[str] | List of weeks from which the results shall be loaded |
sheet_name | str | Tab name of the exported results sheet to load, e.g. “session_overview” |
Returns | DataFrame |
For instance, if you´d like to inspect the overall session overview, use:
df = collect_all_available_data(root_dir_path = Path('/path/to/your/directory/with/the/exported/retults/'),
group_assignment_filepath = Path('/filepath/to/your/group_assignment.xlsx'),
paradigm_ids = ['paradigm_a', 'paradigm_b', 'paradigm_c'],
week_ids = [1, 4, 8, 12, 14],
sheet_name = 'session_overview')
2) Filter your data (optional):
You might want to filter your data to only inspect a specific proportion of it. You can do so quite easily by using the filter_dataframe()
funtion (see example usage below):
filter_dataframe (df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, filter_criteria:List[Tuple])
You need to specify your filter criteria in a list of tuples, for which each tuple follows this schema: > (column_name, comparison_method, reference_value)
So for instance, if you´d like to filter your dataframe by selecting only the data of all freezing bouts, you would add a tuple that specifies that you want all rows from the column “bout_type” that have the value “all_freezing_bouts”: > ('bout_type', 'equal_to', 'all_freezing_bouts')
You can also add more criteria with additional tuples, for instance to filter for specific mouse lines your filter criteria would look like this: > ('line_id', 'is_in_list', ['206', '209'])
Bringing it together, you´d define your filter_criteria in a list of these tuples:
filter_criteria = [('line_id', 'is_in_list', ['206', '209']),
('bout_type', 'equal_to', 'all_freezing_bouts')]
You can add as many tuples (= criteria) you´d like. Currently implemented comparison methods include: - “greater”: selects only rows in which the values of the column are greater than the reference value - “smaller”: selects only rows in which the values of the column are smaller than the reference value - “equal_to”: selects only rows in which the values of the column are equal to the reference value - “is_in_list”: selects only rows in which the values of the column are matching to an element in the reference value (which has to be a list, in this case) - “is_nan”: selects only rows in which the values of the column are NaN
You can then pass the filter_criteria
along your dataframe to the filter_dataframe()
df_filtered = filter_dataframe(df = df, filter_criteria = filter_criteria)
3) Plotting:
Eventually, you can also plot your data, filtering it even more, if you´d like to. When you´re using the plot()
function, you can specify the following parameters (see function documentation and example usage below):
plot (df:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, x_column:str, y_column:str, plot_type:str='violinplot', hue_column:Optional[str]=None, hide_legend:bool=True)
Type | Default | Details | |
df | DataFrame | the DataFrame that contains the data you´d like to plot | |
x_column | str | the column name of the data that should be visualized on the x-axis | |
y_column | str | the column name of the data that should be visualized on the y-axis | |
plot_type | str | violinplot | currently only “violinplot” and “stripplot” are implemented |
hue_column | typing.Optional[str] | None | if you´d like to use the data of a column to color-code the plotted, you can specify it here (see example below) |
hide_legend | bool | True | pass along as False if you´d like the legend of the plot to be displayed |
Returns | None |
plot(df = df_filtered, x_column = 'group_id', y_column = 'total_duration', hue_column = 'week_id')
You can also use the following function to create a DataFrame that gives you an overview of your data availability:
check_data_availability (root_dir_path:pathlib.Path, all_week_ids:List[int], all_paradigm_ids:List[str])