
Analysis of DLC tracking data based on the recordings with individual cameras



 TopTracked2DRecording (filepath:pathlib.Path, week_id:int)

Very customized subclass of TrackedRecording that was designed to run the gait analysis on 2D tracking data obtained from a single camera with a top-down-view on the subject.

Type Details
filepath Path the filepath to the output of DLC (.h5 or .csv file)
week_id int the experimental week post injection in which the recording was performed. Has to be an element of the self.valid_week_ids list
Returns None



                                            at=0.5, likelihood_threshold:f
                                            loat=0.5, marker_ids_to_comput
                                            ['TailBase', 'Snout'], relativ

Initiate the preprocessing of the DLC output tracking data. This includes smoothing, interpolation of small intervals with low likelihoods, and creation of additional markers, like a center of gravity. Furthermore, the code will identify the most reliable predicted position of the maze corners and evaluate, whether the reconstructed maze using these most reliable open corner positions yields a maze that is sufficiently similar to how the maze should look like (less than a specified relative error threshold). If it meets this criterion, it will use the open corner from there on to normalize the coordinate system. If not, it will compute everything just based on the closed corners. Either way, the coordinate system will be normalized to the closed left corner, applying rotation and shifting, and eventually convert the coordinates into cm values. As the very last step, self.bodyparts will be created - a dictionary that contains an Bodypart object for each marker id. Logs will save all parameters specified upon calling the function to make it easily traceable, which parameter settings were used to obtain a given result (see also the documentation of the export_results() method.

Type Default Details
marker_ids_to_compute_coverage typing.List[str] [‘TailBase’, ‘Snout’] List of marker_ids on base of which the tracking coverage will be computed
coverage_threshold float 0.75 If coverage of the above defined markers is lower than this threshold, the recording will be excluded from the analysis and therefore not further processed
max_seconds_to_interpolate float 0.5 Maximum time interval in which consecutive nan´s will be interpolated
likelihood_threshold float 0.5 Minimum prediction likelihood of DLC that is required to acceppt predicted marker position as valid
marker_ids_to_compute_center_of_gravity typing.List[str] [‘TailBase’, ‘Snout’] marker ids that will be used to compute the center of gravity
relative_maze_normalization_error_tolerance float 0.25 relative error that is tolerated when estimating the maze position for normalizing it´s position
Returns None



                                            'CenterOfGravity'], bodyparts_
                                            'CenterOfGravity'], immobility
                                            0.1, freezing_min_duration:flo
                                            at=0.5, gait_min_rolling_speed
                                            gait_min_duration:float=0.5, g
                                            obility:float=0.15, bodyparts_
                                            nterOfGravity', 'Snout',
                                            'TailBase'], merge_events_max_

Trigger the detection of “immobility”, “freezing”, “gait”, and “gait disruption” events. All detected events will also be classified “towards open end” True / False, depending on whether the orientation of the mouse was towards the open end of the maze or not. For gait events, this classification will be based on the orientation at the very last frame, while the orientation at the very first frame will be used for all other events (“immobility”, “freezing”, and “gait disruption”). Since the specified parameters used for this step of the analysis are very crucial, they will be documented in the logs and exported once the export_results() method is called. Default parameter selection for immobility speed threshold & freezing minimum duration was based on:

Type Default Details
bodyparts_critical_for_freezing typing.List[str] [‘Snout’, ‘CenterOfGravity’] List of marker_ids that need to be classified as “immobile” that the entire mouse is classified as immobile
bodyparts_for_direction_front_to_back typing.List[str] [‘Snout’, ‘CenterOfGravity’] List of exactly two markers_ids that will be used to determine the orientation of the mouse; order of the markers: front, back
immobility_max_rolling_speed float 2.0 A given bodypart will be classified as immobile in all frames, in which its rolling speed is less or equal to this value [cm per s]
immobility_min_duration float 0.1 An immobility event will be created for each interval that exceeds this threshold [s] and in which all bodyparts_critical_for_freezing are classified as immobile
freezing_min_duration float 0.5 A freezing event will be created for each interval that meets or exceeds this threshold [s] and in which all bodyparts_critical_for_freezing are classified as immobile
gait_min_rolling_speed float 3.0 Frames will be classified as gait if the center of gravity meets or exceeds this rolling speed threshold [cm per s]
gait_min_duration float 0.5 A gait event will be created for each interval that meets or exceeds this threshold [s] and in which the movement of the center of gravitiy is classified as “gait”
gait_disruption_max_time_to_immobility float 0.15 A gait-disruption event will be created if an “immobility” event is found within this time interval [s] after a “gait” event has ended
bodyparts_to_include_in_behavior_df list [‘CenterOfGravity’, ‘Snout’, ‘TailBase’] Bodyparts that will be included in the behavior_df. Should include at least all bodyparts_critical_for_freezing, bodyparts_for_direction_front_to_back, and the center of gravity
merge_events_max_inbetween_time float 0.15 Not implemented yet;
Returns None



 TopTracked2DRecording.export_results (out_dir_path:pathlib.Path)

Creates an .xlsx file the following tab names that contain the following information: - parameter_settings: The logged parameter settings that were passed (or used by default) during the processing.

  • immobility_bouts: Data that describe each individual immobility event that was detected.

  • freezing_bouts: Data that describe each individual freezing event that wes detected.

  • gait_bouts: Data that describe each individual gait event that was detected.

  • gait_discruption_bouts: Data that describe each individual gait disruption event that was detected.

  • session_overview: Data that summarizes all events of a given type (e.g. freezing) over the entire session. Events from a given type are also futher split according to the determined orientation and are thus always given as “towards_open_”, “towards_closed_”, or as “all_” (e.g. “all_freezing_bouts”, or “towards_open_gait_events”).

Type Details
out_dir_path Path Filepath to the directory where the results shall be saved
Returns None




Since the normalization of the maze during the preprocessing is a very critical step, this functions allows the user to visually inspect the success of this step at a glanze. It will plot a schematic of how the maze is expected to look like in form of a black box. It will then also plot the “most reliable” estimate of the four maze corners after normalization and the valid tracking positions of all markers specified in marker_ids_to_inspect. To avoid over- loading of this plot, we recommend to pass only a single marker id, for instance the “CenterOfGravity”. If you´d like to see some additional details, consider passing “verbose = True” and/or “show_legend = True”. Note: The filepath where the plots will be saved cannot be changed & they will always be saved in the same directory that was specified when calling the export_results() method, to ensure that they are saved in the same folder as the .xlsx files that contain logged parameter settings.

Type Default Details
marker_ids_to_inspect typing.List[str] [‘CenterOfGravity’] List of marker ids whose tracked position shall be plotted as scatter plot
verbose bool False Whether current progress and additional details like the coverages for each marker defined in marker_ids_to_inspect shall be printed
show_plot bool False Whether the created plot shall be displayed in the jupyter notebook
save_plot bool True Whether the created plot shall be saved (per default, it will be saved in the save directory that was specified when export_results() was called)
show_legend bool False Whether a legend shall be added to the plot or not
Returns None